Clever King

Long ago in a distant land it was the law that the people of that country changed their king every year. Whoever became king would sign a treaty that he would resign after one year of his rule. And will be left on a remote island from which he will never return.
When the king's one-year reign was over, he was left on a special island where he would spend the rest of his life. On this occasion, the king was dressed in the best clothes and given a farewell tour of the whole country where he says goodbye to all the people for the last time.
These were very sad moments for the king, then the people left the king alone on the island.
Once people were leaving their old king on the island when they saw a ship that was just crashed and a young man was leaning on a wooden plank to save himself. Since they were looking for a new king, they brought the young man to their country and asked him to rule for a year.
At first, the young man refused, and at the insistence of the people, he agreed to be king for a year. The people there explained to him all the rules of the kingdom and also said that after a year they will left him on a certain island.
On the third day of the reign, the young king said to his minister: "Show me the place where all the previous kings were sent." Respecting the king's wish, arrangements were made to show him the island. The island was completely forested and full of wild animals.
The king went inside to inspect, and there he found the skeltons of all the previous kings lying there. He realized that very soon he would be in the same situation and the wild animals would tear him to pieces and eat him. When the king returned to the country, he gathered the workers.
He took them all to the island and ordered that the forest should be completely cleared in a month, all the dangerous animals should be killed and all the unnecessary trees be cut down. He himself visited the island every month and supervised the work.
All the dangerous animals were killed and all the unnecessary trees were cut down. Now the king ordered the laborers to build beautiful gardens in different places on the island. He also took various pets with him to the island.
The king then ordered that a magnificent house be built on the island. As the months passed, the island was transformed into a beautiful city. The young king wore very simple clothes and spent very little on himself during his reign. Finally one year of the kingdom came to an end.
According to tradition, the people there dressed their king in splendid clothes and seated him on an elephant so that he could say goodbye to his people. The king was very happy at his farewell party. People asked, "All the kings were crying on this occasion, but you are smiling."
Why are you so happy? ”The young king replied,“ When all the kings were lost in the luxury of the palace, I was thinking about my future and devising a plan of action. I have now turned this island into a beautiful place where I can spend the rest of my life in great comfort.


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