"The Cheerful Dog"

Once upon a time, there lived a dog that was very good at hiding his emotions. The dog was tied beneath a shade tree. The people always see him wagging his tail and acted cute. So, he got the name "The Cheerful Dog", because he was cheerful as spring time.
 The dog always had lots of fun with the village kids during the day. But every night, he'd moan and whine when no one was around. That's because he wanted to cut off the leash and freely run around out in the spring field. However, he couldn't. And that's why he cried every night, every single night. 
 One day, a voice inside him asked the Cheerful Dog "Hey, why don't you just cut off the leash and run away"? And this is what the Cheerful Dog said... "I've been tied up for way too long. So, i forgot how to cut myself free."


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