A Painting of an Angel and a Devil

A king ordered his country's greatest painter to paint a picture of an angel and a devil that remained the best craft effect of his time. The painter began his quest. He was looking for someone who really deserved to be called an angel, because he could not see the real angel. That's why after finding a very beautiful and innocent child, he made a picture of her. When this beautiful picture was presented to the king, the king and all the people recognized his beauty and praised his art. The painter then traveled to different cities to find a person who Possessing a real evil face, he saw the criminals in different jails of the country but he did not find any such person, because in his eyes everyone was a man of God even though he had made some mistakes. Many years have passed but he was not able to found anyone. Forty years later, when the king realized that he was in the last days of his life, he called the painter and said that in any case, you must complete this picture ...