The Fairies of Sea

There was a time when there were no fairies in the sea. The creatures living in the sea knew that fairies are very kind to all living things. When there is any sorrow, disease or trouble in them, she helped them with their fullness. She cares, so everyone was upset about what we did wrong, which fairies don't come to us.
So all the inhabitants of the sea sent their envoys to fairy land and asked the king there to send some fairies to settle in the sea too, so that they could come to help us in our hard time. When the envoy came to the king of fairy land. He said, "We will treat the fairies who come to us very kindly and we will do our best to keep them happy."
The king addressed his fairies and said, "Have you heard what the envoy of the sea has brought to us? Now tell me, do you like to go there and stay under the waters of the blue sea?" The fairies trembled and said: We are not ready to go and live there.
We are happy here. Then the king called the fairies of the forest and asked them, "Do you want to go and live in the sea?" They all shook their heads and said that this is a green forest, full of fruits and flowers. We don't like to leave gardens, talking birds and animals while playing.
In the same way, the king took turns knowing the wishes of all the fairies and openly refused to go to the sea. Now only the water fairies were left. Finally the king turned to them and everyone was surprised to see this. She immediately got ready without hesitation and said, "We wanted to go, somehow get out of these streams, ponds, wells and bowls."
Sitting at home, our intention was fulfilled. What to say about such a long, wide and deep sea.
What better place for us to jump, run and run? There are tens of millions of kinds of fish and all kinds of wonders besides fish.
Now wherever we live, what is there in them except a few fish and small squirrels? Even the largest river is not enough for us, while we do not consider the streams to be less than a prison. There is no greater wish than to become fairies of the sea.
But are we going to live in deep water and the other is to be saddened by the thought of suddenly leaving all your lifelong companions. We have to say goodbye to them for forever and then we may never see the face of our beloved king and queen.
The king said, "No, it will not happen. Don't worry about these things. When you want, you can come up every night, and on a moonlit night some of us go to the beach with you." They will play, jump and sing, but during the day we will all do our own thing, although it is difficult for us to meet each other.
As for staying in the ocean all the time, this is a trivial matter. I will change your appearance and you will not have any difficulty in staying in the water and then you will do things every other creature in the sea do.
Even the envoy of the sea was happy to hear this speech of the king that his request was also accepted and the new fairies of the sea were also happy that they got the new government of the sea. When the fairies reached the shore, their tiny feet joined together and became the tails of such beautiful little fish that they could not even imagine.
There was a lot of work to do for the fairies in the sea, because all the big animals were torturing and killing the little ones.


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